# Copyright 2016 Cedric Mesnil <cedric.mesnil@ubinity.com>, Ubinity SAS
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
#python 2 compatibility
from builtins import int,pow
import hashlib
import random
import binascii
from ecpy.curves import Curve,Point
from ecpy.keys import ECPublicKey, ECPrivateKey
from ecpy.formatters import decode_sig, encode_sig, list_formats
from ecpy import ecrand
from ecpy.curves import ECPyException
def _h(b):
return binascii.hexlify(b)
def _point_to_bytes(point, compressed = True):
""" Point serialisation.
Serialization is the standard one:
- O2 x for even x in compressed form
- 03 x for odd x in compressed form
- 04 x y for uncompressed form
if compressed:
b = point.x.to_bytes(32,'big')
if point.y & 1:
b = b"\x03"+b
b = b"\x02"+b
b = b"\x04"+point.x.to_bytes(32,'big')+point.y.to_bytes(32,'big')
return b
def _borromean_hash(m,e,i,j, H):
All params are bytes.
m: bytes message
e: bytes point
i: int ring index
j: int secret index
i = int(i).to_bytes(4,'big')
j = int(j).to_bytes(4,'big')
sha256 = H()
d = sha256.digest()
return d
[docs]class Borromean:
""" Borromean Ring signer implementation according to:
ElementsProject implementation has some tweaks compared to PDF. This implementation is ElementsProject compliant.
For now, only secp256k1+sha256 is supported. This constraint will be release soon.
fmt (str) : in/out signature format. See :mod:`ecpy.formatters`. IGNORED.
def __init__(self, fmt="BTUPLE") :
self.fmt = fmt
self._curve = Curve.get_curve('secp256k1')
self._hash = hashlib.sha256
[docs] def sign(self, msg, rings, pv_keys, pv_keys_index):
""" Signs a message hash.
The public `rings` argument is a tuple of public key array. In other
words each element of the ring tuple is an array containing the public
keys list of that ring
A Private key must be given for each provided ring. For each private key,
the corresponding public key is specified by its index in the ring.
let r1 be the first ring with 2 keys: pu11, pu12
let 21 be the second ring with 3 keys: pu21,pu22,pu23
let say we want to produce a signature with sec12 and sec21
`sign` should be called as::
[sec12, sec21], [1,0])
The return value is a tuple (e0, [s0,s1....]). Each value is encoded
as binary (bytes).
msg (bytes) : the message hash to sign
rings (tuple of (ecpy.keys.ECPublicKey[]): public key rings
pv_keys (ecpy.keys.ECPrivateKey[]) : key to use for signing
pv_keys_index (int[]) :
(e0, [s0,s1....]) : signature
G = self._curve.generator
order = self._curve.order
#set up locals
ring_count = len(rings)
privkeys = pv_keys
pubkeys = []
rsizes = []
for r in rings:
pubkeys = pubkeys+r
e0 = None
s = [None]*len(pubkeys)
k = [None]*len(rings)
r0 = 0
sha256_e0 = self._hash()
for i in range (0,ring_count):
k[i] = random.randint(1,order)
kiG = k[i]*G
j0 = pv_keys_index[i]
e_ij = _point_to_bytes(kiG)
for j in range(j0+1, rsizes[i]):
s[r0+j] = random.randint(1,order)
e_ij = _borromean_hash(m,e_ij,i,j, self._hash)
e_ij = int.from_bytes(e_ij,'big')
sG_eP = s[r0+j]*G + e_ij*pubkeys[r0+j].W
e_ij = _point_to_bytes(sG_eP)
r0 += rsizes[i]
e0 = sha256_e0.digest()
#step 4
r0 = 0
for i in range (0, ring_count):
j0 = pv_keys_index[i]
e_ij = _borromean_hash(m,e0,i,0, self._hash)
e_ij = int.from_bytes(e_ij,'big')
for j in range(0, j0):
s[r0+j] = random.randint(1,order)
sG_eP = s[r0+j]*G + e_ij*pubkeys[r0+j].W
e_ij = _borromean_hash(m,_point_to_bytes(sG_eP),i,j+1, self._hash)
e_ij = int.from_bytes(e_ij,'big')
s[r0+j0] = (k[i]-privkeys[i].d*e_ij)%order
r0 += rsizes[i]
s = [int(sij).to_bytes(32,'big') for sij in s]
return (e0,s)
[docs] def verify(self, msg, sig, rings):
""" Verifies a message signature.
msg (bytes) : the message hash to verify the signature
sig (bytes) : signature to verify
rings (key.ECPublicKey): key to use for verifying
boolean : True if signature is verified, False else
G = self._curve.generator
#set up locals
ring_count = len(rings)
pubkeys = []
rsizes = []
for r in rings:
pubkeys = pubkeys+r
e0 = sig[0]
s = sig[1]
sha256_e0 = self._hash()
r0 = 0
for i in range (0,ring_count):
e_ij = _borromean_hash(m,e0,i,0, self._hash)
for j in range(0,rsizes[i]):
e_ij = int.from_bytes(e_ij,'big')
s_ij = int.from_bytes(s[r0+j],'big')
sG_eP = s_ij*G + e_ij*pubkeys[r0+j].W
e_ij = _point_to_bytes(sG_eP)
if j != rsizes[i]-1:
e_ij = _borromean_hash(m,e_ij,i,j+1, self._hash)
r0 += rsizes[i]
e0x = sha256_e0.digest()
return e0 == e0x
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
def strsig(sigma):
print("e0: %s"%h(sigma[0]))
for s in sigma[1]:
print("s%d: %s"%(i,h(s)))
i += 1
# layout:
# nrings = 2
# ring 1 has 2 keys
# ring 2 has 3 keys
# pubs=[ring1-key1, ring1-key2,
# ring2-key1, ring2-key2, ring2-key3]
# k = [ring1-rand, ring2-rand]
# sec = [ring1-sec2, ring2-sec1]
# rsizes = [2,3]
# secidx = [1,0]
cv = Curve.get_curve('secp256k1')
seckey0 = ECPrivateKey(0xf026a4e75eec75544c0f44e937dcf5ee6355c7176600b9688c667e5c283b43c5, cv)
seckey1 = ECPrivateKey(0xf126a4e75eec75544c0f44e937dcf5ee6355c7176600b9688c667e5c283b43c5, cv)
seckey2 = ECPrivateKey(0xf226a4e75eec75544c0f44e937dcf5ee6355c7176600b9688c667e5c283b43c5, cv)
seckey3 = ECPrivateKey(0xf326a4e75eec75544c0f44e937dcf5ee6355c7176600b9688c667e5c283b43c5, cv)
seckey4 = ECPrivateKey(0xf426a4e75eec75544c0f44e937dcf5ee6355c7176600b9688c667e5c283b43c5, cv)
seckey5 = ECPrivateKey(0xf526a4e75eec75544c0f44e937dcf5ee6355c7176600b9688c667e5c283b43c5, cv)
seckey6 = ECPrivateKey(0xf626a4e75eec75544c0f44e937dcf5ee6355c7176600b9688c667e5c283b43c5, cv)
seckey7 = ECPrivateKey(0xf726a4e75eec75544c0f44e937dcf5ee6355c7176600b9688c667e5c283b43c5, cv)
seckey8 = ECPrivateKey(0xf826a4e75eec75544c0f44e937dcf5ee6355c7176600b9688c667e5c283b43c5, cv)
pubkey0 = seckey0.get_public_key()
pubkey1 = seckey1.get_public_key()
pubkey2 = seckey2.get_public_key()
pubkey3 = seckey3.get_public_key()
pubkey4 = seckey4.get_public_key()
pubkey5 = seckey5.get_public_key()
pubkey6 = seckey6.get_public_key()
pubkey7 = seckey7.get_public_key()
pubkey8 = seckey8.get_public_key()
allpubs = [pubkey0, pubkey1, pubkey2, pubkey3, pubkey4, pubkey5,pubkey6, pubkey7]
allsecs = [seckey0, seckey1, seckey2, seckey3, seckey4, seckey5,seckey6, seckey7]
m = int(0x800102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f800102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f)
m = m.to_bytes(32,'big')
borromean = Borromean()
for l in range(2,len(allpubs)):
pubs = allpubs[:l]
secs = allsecs[:l]
print("pool has %d key"%len(pubs))
for i in range(1,len(pubs)):
pubring1 = pubs[0:i]
pubring2 = pubs[i:]
secring1 = secs[0:i]
secring2 = secs[i:]
print("ring1 has %d keys"%len(pubring1))
print("ring2 has %d keys"%len(pubring2))
for s1 in range(0,len(pubring1)):
for s2 in range(0,len(pubring2)):
print("testing %d %d"%(s1,s2))
pubset = (pubring1 , pubring2)
secset = [secring1[s1] , secring2[s2]]
secidx = [s1,s2]
sigma = borromean.sign(m, pubset, secset, secidx )
assert(borromean.verify( m, sigma, pubset, ))
e0 = sigma[0]
e0 = e0[1:]+e0[:1]
sigma = (e0,sigma[1])
assert(not borromean.verify(m, sigma, pubset))
# ##OK!
print("All internal assert OK!")